This 6-Step Process Has Helped 1000s of Entrepreneurs

Take A Consistent, Healthy Paycheck From Their Business Every Month.

...Even If Their Business Is Seasonal, Unpredictable, and Prone to Feast-Or-Famine Cycles

Pick up a digital copy of the bestselling book “Profit-Ability” for just $4.99, and discover how to use my tried-and-tested THRIVE Protocol to eliminate financial uncertainty…and finally start taking a steady salary from your business!

(Includes both digital and audio versions of the book.)

(Includes both digital and audio versions of the book.)

From: The desk of Phil McGilvray, Canberra, Australia

To: The entrepreneur who’s scared to open their bank statements

What If You KNEW You Could Afford To Pay Yourself Well… Every Month?

It’s a tale as old as time for a surprising amount of entrepreneurs:

Business is good.

According to your accountant, you’re making a profit. Customers are regularly buying your stuff, and a good percentage come back for more.

Your business is making money – and lots of it (on paper).

…so why aren’t you seeing any of that money yourself?

Why do you still feel scared about paying for that home renovation, or for the dream car, or that 5-star holiday?

Why do you still feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up whenever you have to fill out any documents declaring your income?

And why do you still have to “wait and see” what your business looks like at the end of the year before you feel like you can safely spend your earnings?

Look, there’s no shame in admitting it, because it’s

the uncomfortable secret for thousands of

business owners…

… it’s the monster hiding under every entrepreneur’s bed.

Your business is successful, but you're still saddled with a brick-ton of financial uncertainty every month.

And I don’t mean to bring the mood down here, but allow me to speak frankly for a moment:

The Uncertainty Of Your Pay Isn’t Even The Worst Part.

The worst part, if you’re like many entrepreneurs I speak to, is that you don’t have the certainty that you’ll be able to scale the business either.

And while that might seem like a problem to solve later rather than right now…

What that really means is this:

You will be stuck pushing the same boulder up the same mountain, month after month…

And as your revenue grows, that mountain becomes harder to climb. (By the way, that’s why simply bringing in more revenue won’t solve the problem—more on that in a second.)

So unless something changes:

  • you’ll always feel anxious about your income… (Because the lack of certainty means you keep wanting to bury your head in the sand)

  • you’ll never work yourself out of the business… (How can you invest in new growth systems when you don’t even know if you have the money for it as is?)

  • you won’t have a sellable asset, should you want to exit… (Because what kind of buyer would want to take on that financial burden?)

  • you will struggle to retain talented people to help you grow the business beyond what you can do by yourself… (Talented people are expensive, and also tend to like getting paid on time.)

But there IS good news, and that’s this:

You Do NOT Have To Reinvent Your Business

In Order To Fix The Problem

  • You don’t have to massively cut costs or fire half your team.

  • You don’t have to launch any more expensive marketing campaigns and try to swing for the fences.

  • And you don’t have to put in any more hours than you’re already working to make more sales and hope that’ll solve the money issues.

  • (In fact, after putting this system in place, most of my clients report that they’re working less in

    their business!)

Because the fact is:

This Isn’t A Sales Or Marketing Problem, So It Won’t Get Solved By Just “Making More Money”

Instead, what you actually have is a money problem.

And right now, the issue is that your business works like a leaky bucket.

Actually—more like a black hole that you pour money into, not quite sure what happens to it and where it even ends up.

What I’d like to help you do is to set up a simple, 5-minute per week money management

system that tells you:

  • Exactly where your money is going…

  • Exactly how much you have set aside for taxes, overheads, staff costs, and other expenses…

  • And exactly how much you can pay yourself at the end of the month – PLUS how much extra you can take as profit.

Put simply:

This 6-Step Process Can Help You Pay Yourself A Healthy Monthly Salary From Your Business – AND Still Have Plenty of Money Left Over For Everything Else.

And like I said, it’s easy to set up, and super simple to manage.

Once you’ve set it up, all you have to do is check your phone once a week to get a snapshot of your finances.

That’s it.

That’s your entire money management system right there.

Just a quick, 5-minute check in to know exactly how much you have set aside for taxes, and the peace of mind that it’ll comfortably cover the bill when it comes due…

You’ll know exactly how much you have in operating expenses to keep things ticking along comfortably (with enough in reserves for unforeseen emergencies)…

And you’ll know exactly what your income will look likebeyond just the next 30 days — so that you can finally start planning for your future and ticking off the “bucket list” promises you made to yourself when you first went out on your own.

And I know that might sound crazy, overly simple, and perhaps a little bit impossible right now, but it’s the reality that many of my clients are living every single month.

All thanks to this “Profit-Ability” framework.

This Method Has Helped 1,000s Of Business Owners And Entrepreneurs Finally Achieve Financial Certainty

“OH, MY WORD. This is some powerful stuff right here.”

“Because of your time, effort, kindness and thoughtfulness we are not in a position where a load has been lifted from my shoulders. I can see the light at the end of the financial tunnel.”

“I cannot recommend Phil McGilvray and his expertise highly enough…I doubt that there is anyone who would NOT benefit from his guidance.

“You have given me some practical insights and constructive solutions that I can build on and use as a foundation for a better financial future!!”

Ready to See The 6-Step “Profit-Ablity” Framework You Can Use To Start Paying Yourself a

Consistent Salary?

You can discover the entire system in my new book, Profit-Ability.

It’s just $4.99 for a digital copy, and you can…

get through the book in a weekend.

set up your new money management system in an afternoon.

start finally enjoying financial certainty in your business in as little as 30 days.

Oh, and don’t worry about needing to be a money expert, either…

This system is so simple to set up and manage that a 10-year old could do it for you.

So what do you say?

Are you ready to get access to the same “Profit-Ability” system that has helped 1000s of entrepreneurs create financial certainty

in their business?

Get Your Digital Copy Of The Bestselling Book On This Page:


Follow The Simple Roadmap That’s Helped 1,000s Of Business Owners Start Paying Themselves A Consistent Salary, And Finally Achieve True Financial Certainty In Their Businesses

Just $4.99

Click Above to Order Right Now, and You’ll Also Receive 3 FREE Bonuses, Including the Audiobook

Get Your Copy of Profit-Ability for Just $4.99 and You’ll Also Get These FREE Bonuses

Bonus #1

2-Minute Profit “Snapshot” Tool

Use this Spreadsheet to Find More Profit in 2 Minutes (or Less) Without Adding Anything New to Your Business

With your order today, I’ll include my 2-minute profit finder tool for FREE.

Use this spreadsheet to simplify the key numbers in your business and check the financial health of any business in minutes.

It’ll give you a clear “snapshot” of the financial health of your business and a better idea of where you should focus your time and effort.

By following the step-by-step guidelines provided with this tool, you’ll be able to quickly determine how the decisions you make in your business impact margins.

You’ll be able to immediately determine where to put your resources for maximum impact and discover new ways to save time, reduce financial stress, and better predict future finances.

A step-by-step video training on how to use this tool is included. Simply fill in the numbers and get a better snapshot of your “Profit-Ability” in minutes.

Bonus #2

Financial Certainty Masterclass

The “Entrepreneurs Financial Roadmap” for a More Consistent and Predictable Business

The anxiety of business ownership comes from uncertainty – fear of the unknown.

In this bonus masterclass, I’d like to help you create a roadmap for your business’s financial future.

With the 2-minute profit “snapshot” tool I’ll give you, you’ll have a better picture of where your business stands now.

After you complete the Financial Roadmap I’ll give you during this workshop, you’ll have a clear picture of where your business is headed.

I’ll show you how to eliminate the unknown financial stresses that consume unnecessary time and energy. That way, you’ll win back more time and effort from your business (and find more “Profit-Ability” in the process).

Eliminate the fear of the unknown – and all the stress and anxiety that comes with it – by ordering “Profit-Ability” today and completing this roadmap.

Bonus #3

FREE Profit-Ability Audiobook

Get the Audiobook and Listen on Any Device!

Order now, and I’ll include the audio version of Profit-Ability so you can listen anywhere.

Audio files are delivered directly so you can listen on any device - whether on the go, commuting to work, or at the gym.

Here’s a simple promise:

When you order my book + bonuses today, you’re protected by my no-questions-asked Money-Back Guarantee.

If you’re not satisfied with Profit-Ability and all of the bonuses listed above for ANY REASON…

…just let me know with a quick email, and I’ll refund 100% of your purchase ASAP.

You have 365 days to review the book and all the bonuses before deciding if you find them valuable.

If you’re not satisfied for any reason, let me know so I can send you a refund.

This is a 365-day money-back guarantee.

Meet a Few of the 1,000s of Business Owners I’ve Helped find More “Profit-Ability” in their Businesses



Hannah & Chris

Dale & Kayla

Dan & Kat

Karissa & Robbie

Barb & Dave

Roz & Geoff


Alejandro Pacheco

Andy McQuiggan

Tobi & Emma

“Profit-Ability” is a Must-Have Resource For…

  • Business owners who are tired of the constant hustle with no rewards and are ready to live the lifestyle they want …

  • Entrepreneurs who are just getting started and would like to guarantee the financial foundation of their business is solid before they begin to grow…

  • Business owners who understand that more revenue will not always be the solution to a business that’s financially broken…

  • ANYONE who is interested in applying the simple systems I’ve already used to help businesses all over the world get their finances under control…

  • Those who have put off thinking about finances because it’s just too stressful but know they can’t ignore it any longer…

  • Business owners who are looking for a simple, easy-to-apply strategy and roadmap that can immediately increase profit and bring in more consistent and predictable profit in the future…

Click Above to Order Right Now, and You’ll Also Receive 3 FREE Bonuses, Including the Audiobook

A Simple Approach to “Profit-Ability” You Can Use to Win Back Your Time and Finally Make Business Ownership More Predictable

Liz Benny

The Queen of Kapow

Dorothy Hollabaugh

Samantha Gooden

Fearless Entrepreneurs

Isaac Kaufman

Life Purpose Mastery

Rhys Parry Badkin

The Business Bunker

Debbie Knudsen

Booking Faces

Katie Webster

Transformative Coach

Lisanne Murphy

Michelle Rogers

David & Lisa Morrison

The Purpose Driven Dad

Andra Dobrescu

Tropic Scincare

Tom Lancaster

Altitude Evolution

Brooke Evans

Louise Skeen

Nick Conley

Here’s a Recap of What You’ll Get Today for Just $4.99:

Profit-Ability is a one-time payment of $4.99 and you’ll get an immediate digital download plus all 3 bonuses at no additional cost.

Here’s a Recap of Everything You Get When You Order:

  • A copy of my bestselling book, Profit-Ability, and the step-by-step strategy that’s helped 1,000s of business owners all over the world discover hidden profit in their businesses.

  • How to Quickly Create a “Profit Snapshot” of Your Business - Understand exactly where your finances stand right now, what’s working, what isn’t, and where to put your resources for maximum impact.

  • The Entrepreneur's Financial Roadmap - Eliminate uncertainty and enjoy the freedom of business ownership now that you know exactly where to focus your effort and where your business is headed.

  • Self-Assessments and Easy Implementation Guidelines - Finding the “Profit-Ability” in your business, your effort, and your ideas does not need to be complicated. These guidelines simplify implementation, even for first-time business owners who are not money experts.

  • The Steps Every Business Owner MUST TAKE Before Trying Anything “New” - Before you pour more time or money into your business with new ideas, take just a few minutes today to see if what you’re doing (or thinking about doing) has “Profit-Ability.”

  • STOP Wondering, “Will This Work” and Start Knowing the Future of Your Business now that all you have to do is know your “Profit-Ability” (everything else, comes second).

  • Easily Avoid the Mistake of Putting “Profit-Ability” Second and instead, start making decisions based on what actually moves the needle in your business.

  • PLUS: 3 FREE Bonuses, including my 2-Minute Profit Snapshot Tool, a Financial Roadmap Workshop, and the Profit-Ability audiobook.

Thanks so much for your

order today!

I’m confident you’ll be able to discover more profit in ANY business quickly. After working with 1,000s of business owners all over the world, I’m also confident that understanding your Profit-Ability will transform how you approach decision-making and finances.

My sincere goal is that Profit-Ability will help you reign in the chaos of business ownership, simplify financial decisions, and discover the freedom you deserve from your business.

To your success,

Phil McGilvray


Click Above to Order Right Now, and You’ll Receive 3 FREE Bonuses, Including the Audiobook.

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